About Us

Mission Statement - To provide compassionate quality care and service built around the needs of our patients and the communities we serve.
Vision Statement - To be the preferred EMS provider of choice in the eyes of our patients, and communities through equipping and empowering our employees, providing unparalleled community service, striving for clinical excellence, and providing a fiscally responsible EMS system that adds value to our community.
About Citizens Ambulance Service Inc.
Who We Are
Citizens Ambulance Service was established in 1978 in Wakeman, Ohio when community members identified a need and desire for a community based ambulance service to meet the need for emergency medical services of the surrounding communities. Citizens Ambulance is a not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 corporation. Our volunteer Board of Directors, consisting of community representatives from each respective political subdivision, governs the corporation. This provides the district with local control and oversight into the operations of the ambulance service.
To view our Current Board of Directors and Committees Click Here
At our inception, Citizens Ambulance utilized volunteer EMTs to operate a Basic Life Support ambulance. Today, we provide Advanced Life Support with paramedics and EMTs standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from our Wakeman station.
How are we Funded
It is our goal is to deliver an emergency ambulance system that will meet the needs of the community in the most cost effective manner possible. To achieve this, we utilize a shared cost model which includes a district tax levy, medical billing, and public donations. This provides additional stability to the organization and disperses the cost of ambulance service provided to the community.
To Donate, Click HERE
Donor Drive
Citizens Ambulance Service offer a unique opportunity to its community in its annual donor drive. Our donor drive enables a family/resident the peace of mind of not having a bill left over outside their insurance or not risking a bill if they do not have health insurance. If you or your family have donated to our donor drive that year and need Citizens Ambulance via 911 call we will bill your insurance, and whatever they do not cover….we waive! Consider it your yearly deductible for ambulance insurance. Citizens uses those funds to keep tax levies low and enhance our equipment/station. For more information or to donate please visit our donor page!